
Saturday, September 15, 2007

In which you try to decipher what I'm saying...

Being a list of commonly used terms, acronyms and abbreviations used by librarians and particularly students at Indiana University's School of Library and Information Science.

IUB- Indiana University- Bloomington Campus. Big Ten, home of the Hoosiers and the movie "Breaking Away."

SLIS- The School of Library & Information Science at Indiana University. It's where us dorky book lovers come to be even geekier ;)

Slizzards- the nickname lovingly given to the graduate and Phd students of SLIS. A picture of a slizzard is posted on Professor Nissonger's office door.

The Library- also known as Wells or the Main Library. It is the home of SLIS and the slizzards.

West Tower- also knows as the Information Commons. It houses the largest grouping of computers and printers on campus and is open 24/7. Also the home of the Undergraduate Core Collection (books specifically used by the undergraduates). This tower is only 5 floors.

East Tower- also known as the Stacks. This is where the 4.6 million (you heard me) volumes currently making up the holdings of IUB in circulation and in the reference collection. The main floor houses the Reference Research Room and a Copy store as well as the main circulation desk and reference desk. This tower is comprised of 11 floors (more on that later).

LIT- Library Information Technology. The department I work for which is basically the technical aspect of running a library, from databases to the online catalog.

IUCat- The Indiana University Library Online Catalog system used on all 8 campuses.

IE7- Internet Explorer 7... which is a thorn in the side of the LIT and tech support alike.

The Lab- Once housed the SLIS library (which has since been moved to the 11th floor of the Library), this is the lab for the sole use of SLIS students, no matter how many undergrads attempt to log in. ::evil laugh::

The 11th Floor- While the elevators in the East Tower might lead you to believe otherwise, there are actually 11 floors to the Stacks. The elevator, however, only goes to the 10th floor and you must climb the stairs to the 11th, where most of the holdings of the old SLIS library are housed. Kinda creepy.

The Lobby- This is the area between the towers, where cell phones are allowed and there is seating and a cafe that takes RPS Meal Points (which the Eatery downstairs does not).

ALF- no, not the cat-eating alien, but the Auxiliary Library Facility. This building, near 10th and the Bypass holds 2 million volumes that are not frequently used. You may request an item from ALF to be delivered to any library on campus, usually the next day.

The Bypass- the railroad tracks that cross 10th street and pass next to Eigenmann in the form of a very old looking stone bridge. It's a tight squeeze for the Campus and Bloomington Transit buses and always feels like a crash is eminent. Best to close your eyes if you're the jumpy type.

ALA- the American Library Association. SLIS is an accredited program by the ALA and has an active student chapter which has won chapter of the year honors in 2005 and runner up in 2006. I am currently the president.

PLG- the Progressive Librarian's Guild.

The Lilly- The Lily Library, home of the Rare Books and Special Collections. Lilly Library holdings include about 400,000 books, more than 100,000 pieces of sheet music, and more than 7.5 million manuscripts. A closed stack library, you can only get volumes by requesting them from the Reading Room. Special exhibits are amazing. Has a great collection of mechanical puzzles, children's book and miniature books.

Hep- The nickname given to Coach Hoeppner, who passed away suddenly this year. The Hoosiers are trying to "Play 13," the total number of games required to go to a Bowl game this year, in his honor.

Little 500- The annual bicycle race made famous by the movie "Breaking Away." To most students, it's just another excuse to for a party.

C Route- the most popular of the Bloomington Bus Transit routes, it goes around campus, past the Library and to College Mall. Always crowded at peak times, you best learn to love your neighbors. Also good for overhearing outrageous conversations by undergrads.

For more information about the town of Bloomington, IN., please visit our very own Wiki The Bloomingpedia.

last updated 9.17.07

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