
Sunday, June 8, 2008

I forgot my ark in Chicago...

:: being where our heroine wades her way around Indiana ::

Perhaps you turned on the news and noticed the news clip saying "Indiana is flooded." Well, although Indiana isn't as large as some states, the whole state in not flooded... only the roads to my town are.

Bloomington was relatively unscathed this time. Last week we had a huge flood right near the heart of downtown IU. The main drag (where the bars are located) was flooded up to the car windows and I personally witnessed a man in an innertube just wading around the downtown streets (as well as people kayaking down the creek that goes through campus). Pictures coming tomorrow...

Martinsville is the the town just north of us and they got hammered. It was weird to see the Starbucks I stop at on the way home to Chicago floating like an island. Hopefully the rain will hold off enough to let the folks dry off. Apparently, Martinsville got hit by a huge tornado in 2003 and now this...

Lesson I've learned: Never live in Martinsville.

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